
Mobile observatory

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National market :

At September 30 2004, there were 42.9 million mobile customers in France of witch 26.3 million subscribed to a flate-rate offer (postpaid customers). The number of mobile customers increased by 2.7 million over one year, between 30 September 2003 and 30 September 2004 (for net annual growth of 6.8 %). The total number of customers increased by 626 800 between 30 June 2004 and 30 September 2004 (for a net growth of 1.5 % over the previous quarter).

The penetration rate reached 71.1 % at 30 September 2004. Total active customers represented 98.5 of total customers and the active penetration rate was 70.0 % at 30 September 2004.

Total outgoing traffic for the third quarter 2004 was 2.710 billion, representing an average of 21.6 SMS sent per active customers for the period.

Metropolitan France :

The total penetration rate at 30 September 2004 was 71.0 %. At the same date, total active customers in France represented 98.7 % of all customers. The "active" penetration rate in Metropolitan France was 70.0 % (compared with 68.9 % at 31 June 2004).
Net growth of active customers was 1.5 % between 31 June 2004 and 30 September 2004 and represents 623 400 new active customers.
Total outgoing traffic for the second quarter 2004 was 2.665 billion, representing an average of 21.8 SMS sent per active customers for the period.

Total recurring sales for the three operators in Metropolitan France for the second quarter 2004 is €4.182 billion, giving average recurring revenue per active customer of €34.7 per month. Recurring sales from flat-rate package customers is €3.456 billion, representing average recurring revenue per flat-rate package customer of €46.7. Recurring voice traffic for the first quarter 2004 is 20.922 billion minutes, of which 18.750 billion minutes for flat-rate customers.

There were 8.1 million active mobile multimedia users at 30 September 2004 representing 19.7% of active customers. There were 47 500 mobile numbers ported during the second quarter.
NB: The data cover the activity of new actors who are commercializing their services under their own brand without running a network (Debitel, in partnership with SFR and Breizh Telecom, in partnership with Orange since July 2004).

Overseas departements, Mayotte and Saint Pierre et Miquelon :

There were 1.3 million wireless customers in the overseas departements, Mayotte and Saint Pierre et Miquelon, with net quarterly growth of 1.7 %, representing 22 500 new customers. The share of customers subscribing to a flat-rate offer was 49.3 % at 30 September 2004.

The penetration rate for the overseas departements (DOM), Mayotte and Saint Pierre et Miquelon was 74.4% at 30 September 2004. At 30 September 2004, total active customers represented 94.9 % of total customers. Counting only active customers, the "active" penetration rate in the overseas departements, Mayotte and Saint Pierre et Miquelon was 70.5 %.
Total outgoing traffic for the second quarter 2004 (not including St-Pierre et Miquelon) was 55 million, representing an average of 14.6 SMS sent per active customer for the period.