Annual Report 1999 : summary volume 2 (june 2000)


Calendar of 1999 highlights


Introduction: Opinions and decisions issued by ART in 1999

Chapter I: Statistical monitoring of the market

1. Mobile Communications Observatory

A. Market trends in 1999

B. Performances of the three operators

C. Additional indicators

1. The share of prepaid services on the market

2. Termination rate

3. Ongoing network densification

2. Market Observatory

A. Procedure

B. Initial results: figures for 1998

C. Initial conclusions

1. Methodological complexity

2. Assessing qualitative changes

3. Using existing factors

4. A suitable legal framework

5. Human resources

Chapter II: Licences

1. Fixed networks and telephony

A. Licence applications examined and licences issued by the end of 1999

B. Assessment periods

C. Fees

2. Wireless local loop

A. A pragmatic and progressive method, in collaboration with operators

B. Main conclusions from the trials

C. Description and explanation of the calls for applications framework

1. General mechanism for introducing the wireless local loop in France

2. Description of frequency resources

3. Why have calls for applications?

4. Principles followed by ART when drafting the calls for applications framework

5. Explanation of the choice of frequency quantity per operator in calls for applications in metropolitan France

a. Two allocations of 15 MHz duplex in the 3.5 GHz band coupled with frequencies in the 26 GHz band

b. Two complementary allocations of 112 MHz duplex in the 26 GHz band

c) Mixed use of channels in the 26 GHz band by point-to-multipoint and point-to-point systems

6. Explanation of the choice of geographical division for frequency allocations

3. Mobile communications

A. Licences in preparation or issued by the end of 1999

B. Round table on incoming calls

1. Context

2. ART's analysis

C. Survey on service quality in mobile telephone networks

D. Radio paging

1. Market situation

2. A radio paging market in transition

E. Third-Generation Mobile Telephony

1. Third-generation mobile systems

2. The key stages in 3G systems planning in France

a. Reminder of the work done by the CCR/UMTS group

b. The public consultation on the introduction of UMTS

3. Regulatory framework for the introduction of third-generation mobile systems

a. Justification of the use of a call for applications

b. ART's proposal to the telecommunications minister

F. Satellite Personal Communication Systems (S-PCS)

1. First-generation systems

2. Second-generation systems

4. Independent networks and radio installations

A. Network licences awarded by application of Article L. 33-2

1. Wireline independent networks

2. Fixed-service radio networks

3. Professional mobile radio networks

a. Network tariffs

b. Networks using trunked 3RP technology for commercial use

c. Independent private radio networks (2RC and 3RP)

d. Digital trunked private mobile radio networks (RPN)

e. Other types of network

4. Independent satellite networks

B. ART's activities regarding the networks governed by Article L. 33-3

1. Short-range business radio (RPS)

2. Radio local area networks (RLANs)

a. RLAN at 2.4 GHz

b. Hiperlan at 5 GHz

3. Short-range devices (SRD)

a. Devices operating in the 868-870 MHz band

b. Audio transmission devices

4. Road traffic information systems

5. Amateur radio

a. Amateur radio user certificates

b. The repeal by the Conseil d'Etat of ART's decision setting out the conditions for the use of amateur radio installations and the awarding of certificates, and its consequences

Chapter III: Frequency and number assignments

1. Frequency management

A. European and international work

B. National work

1 Examining frequency allocation requests

2 Contribution to the work of the advisory committees set up by the National Frequencies Agency

3. Participation in ministerial work

2. Management of the national numbering plan

A. Development of the numbering plan in overseas départements

B. Internet-specific number series

C. Portability of freephone numbers

D. Conditions for using the digit 6

E. Monitoring the obligations of operators authorised to use the E prefix for carrier selection

1. Overview of how the E prefixes for carrier selection are allocated

2. Monitoring respect for the E allocation criteria after 18 months

3. Situation report for the four operators concerned

Chapter IV: Interconnection and network access

1. Operators with significant market power ("SMP operators")

A. SMP operators in 2000 (identified in 1999)

B. The obligations of SMP mobile operators

2. Interconnection agreements

3. Approval of the standard interconnection offer for 2000

A. A further cut in basic interconnection tariffs

B. Priority given to Internet access

C. Introduction of carrier preselection

1. What is preselection?

2. Preselection available for all users connected to the France Télécom network as of 17 January 2000.

3. Principles and details of implementing preselection

D. Reduced interconnection set-up time

E. New facilities for special services access

F. Technical specifications

G. The international component of the standard interconnection offer

4. International interconnection

A. Work on reforming the accounting rates system

B. Progress towards a cross-border interconnection system

5. Local loop unbundling

Chapter V: Assessment of terminal equipment conformity

1. Transposition of the directive

2. Preparing the future regulatory framework

Chapter VI: The universal service

1. Cost of the universal service

A. Principle

B. The components

C. Role of ART in evaluating the cost of the universal service and operators' contributions

D. Method

1. The method used to calculate costs in unprofitable zones

2. The intangible benefits

2. Evaluation of the cost of providing the universal service in 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000

3. Means of financing the universal service

A. The transition to a new financing regime

B. The universal service fund

C. Operators' contributions

1. Distribution of the "geographic cost"

2. Distribution of the cost of social tariffs, providing a nationwide payphone service and a directory and directory enquiries service

3. Calculating the operator's contribution

Chapter VII: Pricing regulation

1. Tariff monitoring in 1999

A. Changes in ART's opinions

1. Opinions adopted in 1999

2. Distribution of opinions

3. Results

B. Price trends

2. Opinions on France Télécom tariff decisions

A. Trends in basic telephone tariffs in 1999

B. General public telephony

1. Price trends specific to telephony and the associated services

a. Fixed costs

b. Promotions

c. Other business

2. Tariff options

3. Additional services

C. Corporate and professional telephone services

1. Specific price trends

2. Tariff options

a. For professionals (Avantage range)

b. For companies (Modulance range / ORE, TRE, PTV)

3. Other services

D. Leased lines

E. Data transport

F. Advanced services, freephone and shared-cost numbers

G. Télétel and Audiotel

H. Internet access

1. Internet access tariffs

2. Trials with the @llo service

3. France Télécom's ADSL offers

Chapter VIII: Relations with the competition authority

1. Number of opinions given or received

2. The main opinions transmitted to the competition authority in 1999

3. The opinions received from the competition authority by ART

Chapter IX: settlement of disputes and penalties

1. Dispute settlement

A. Telematics services

1. 3A Média vs. France Télécom

a. The subject of the dispute and the parties' demands

b. ART's ruling

2. Spacetel vs. France Télécom

a. The subject of the dispute and the parties' demands

b- ART's ruling

3. The Court of Appeal upholds the Spacetel - France Télécom ruling

B. Interconnection conditions for incoming calls to mobile phone networks: SFR vs. France Télécom

1. The subject of the dispute

2. ART's ruling

C. Interconnection conditions for incoming calls to the Cegetel Entreprises network

1. The subject of the dispute

2. ART's ruling

D. Interconnection protection at local exchanges in the France Télécom network

1. The subject of the dispute

2. ART's ruling

E. Third-party collection of traffic to 3BPQ numbers

1. The subject of the dispute

2. ART's ruling

2. Penalty procedures

A. Procedures initiated under Article L.36-11

1. Framework

2. The ruling rejecting the complaint of First Télécom against France Télécom

a. First Télécom's complaint

b. ART's ruling

B. The other procedures

1.Conditions for France Télécom's use of the carrier selection digit "8"

2. Suspension of an amateur radio code

Chapter X: Regulation and consumers

1. Informing consumers

A. Operator booklets

B. Consumer baskets

1. Fixed telephony tariffs in 1999

2. Mobile tariffs in 1999

2.Enforcing the regulations: monitoring operators' activities

A. Studying the behaviour of participants

B. Correspondence from consumers

1. Legal basis for ART's actions

2. Analysis by market type of the main difficulties encountered by consumers

b. Mobile telephony

c. Internet and cable

Chapter XI: European and international activities

1.European Union activities

2. Bilateral relations

3. International organisations

Chapter xii: Standardisation

1. Technical standardisation

A. Standardisation and regulation

B. The ETSI Board

2. The consequences of standardisation

A. Mobile telephony

1. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)

2. Location services: a budding, high-potential market

3. Mobile electronic commerce: the SIM card

4. Third-generation mobile telephony

5. The road towards all-IP mobile networks

B. The Internet

1. Internet telephony

2. Next-generation Internet

3. A new standard for Internet protocol: IPv6


Chapter I: Method

1. Cooperation

A. Consultative and specialised committees

1. Consultative committees

2. The interconnection committee

B. Public consultations and calls for comments

C. Board hearings, meetings and study groups

1. Hearings and meetings

2. The satellite telecommunications forward studies group

3. The Internet group

2. Communication

A. The Internet site

1. More features and information

2. Regular services

3. Improved functions and ergonomics

B. ART newsletter and publications

C. ART's conference cycle: "Entretiens de l'Autorité"

D. The documentation centre

3. Studies

Chapter II: Resources

1. The budget

A. Budget resources

B. Budgeted job positions

C. ART revenues

2. Revenues collected on behalf of the State

3. Human resources

A. Increased staffing levels

B. Professional training and symposiums



C. Labour relations

4. ART's organisation

Glossary of technical terms and abbreviations

©Autorité de régulation des télécommunications - août 2002
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